Saturday, 3 January 2009

thanksgiving 2008-

as 2008 came to an end i reflected upon the past year and had quite a few thoughts. this thanksgiving post is 2 days late, but better late than never-

as i thought about the year that passed, i thank God for the following-
1) the chance to take part in a'divisions even though i'm seriously not good enough. this chance really meant the world to me.
2) giving me really great tutors at school who never gave up on me, no matter how bad my grades were, giving me consultations tirelessly in the stretch leading up to a'levels.
3) the best classmates and bowling teammates i can ever have. we had fun, we worked hard, they form the 2 years of my memory of life at hwachong which i will never forget.

there are many many more in between that i can't really express well in words, but the final few things i thank God for are one of the most important-
4) for the chance to have lived with, and taken care of, my grandma in her final few months with us - the chance to cook for her, the chance to watch tv with her, etc. - thank you Lord for leaving me with no regrets.
5) this is a little unique, but after grandma left us, i found that she still kept the momento i bought for her from Penang eight years ago (well that dates back to year 2000, when i was ten). the thought that my grandma treasured the things her grandchildren gave her so much that even eight years later it was still in very good condition really warms my heart. thank you Lord for this consolation following the departure of grandma.

to lose a loved one is never easy, especially when you're stuck right in the middle of two weeks of examinations that would change your life. but thinking of it i still thank God for having relieved grandma's pain, as well as for putting me through the test for me to grow.

as i face the year ahead, hopefully i will be able to be steadfast as i go through national service and whatever comes my way in the coming year-

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