Tuesday, 25 February 2014

beautiful praises-

there's truly nothing more beautiful than little children spontaneously praising the Lord.

sis sent me a video of my nephew singing 这一生最美的祝福 with some really cute facial expressions. recently this song somehow never fails to make me tear up; it still does, but with this video on top of any other emotions I have, it's a heart full of thanks for this amazing boy who has a heart for God at such tender age.

Monday, 24 February 2014


it couldn't get any more superficial that this. why can't it have even a slightest bit more of effort and meaning? I really want to know / am concerned but this, it's just useless.

back to reality-

On the bus trip back from Lapland right now. Few days away from reality to marvel at the work of God's hands at the Levi fell, Skibotn etc.
如果你如同本子一样和我一起看见、经历这一切, 那该有多好...

The past one week has been fun and fulfilling, and to some extent a bit useful in reducing the occurrences of my brain wedgies. Still find it challenging to get to sleep every night though, haven't had a good dream-less sleep in quite long and I'm getting pretty exhausted. Doesn't help that I have an exam literally right after I reach home in Hervanta. 4 hours of rest and off I go for exam.

Read this thought-provoking article on the bus a short while ago;
They are truly blessed to have each other to 共渡此生.
[Read: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2564088/Together-end-Husband-holds-hands-beloved-wife-60-years-died-hours-apart.html]

on another note:
I truly thank God for the presence of the few of you in my life. You know who you are, I am truly grateful <3

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

这个世界, 我们一起逛-



... 你现在还好吗?

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


omg stupid song stop ringing in my head...

Friday, 14 February 2014


used to be a song I really liked a lot.
but now when my roommate plays it everyday,
and I find myself having this fear of the song,
and actively trying to escape from listening to it.
be it walking away from it,
or just blasting something else louder.

maybe I'm just afraid of 触景伤情,
but maybe I'm really just running away/escaping.

a little message each day-

a little message I receive each day
as I set aside a short period of time for God and myself;
a little message that tells of His love and faithfulness;
have faith and get better, I tell myself,
even though these are things I still struggle with;
but day by day I will reflect, learn and grow,
and hopefully I will walk through this someday.

a testimony by Darren Lim and Evelyn Tan that a friend shared on facebook, and it really spoke to me tonight. sit through all 25 minutes of it if you can and hopefully it speaks to you too.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

time count-

four months on... I still miss you.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

short film-

a very well made short film by Wacoal (yes, the undergarment brand).
her unconditional love for the child was really touching even though the child isn't hers (spoiler alert).
(alright, I'm equally touched/impressed by guys who love kids too)
like I was recently reminded of when I posted my photos with little Leo taken when I attended church here in Tampere, children are indeed gifts from the Lord;

seeing the love my Greek church friend and his wife had for their own and others' children was a very encouraging and heartwarming sight, something less seen in people of the younger generation, like them and ourselves nowadays.
we really have much to learn.

food for thought-

God's messages come in so many different ways everyday... I am thankful for these people in my life who have been used to send these messages to me, directly or indirectly.

Heard this while listening to a song my sister linked me, which was good food for thought for myself. maybe being alone in the apartment these few days isn't that bad after all, at least it gives me the chance to 静思-

你要等候, 因为神会将得胜的意念放在你的心中;
你要展翅, 因为神会把机会摆在你的面前;
唯有祂, 能够带领你飞越风暴,重新翱翔。

Monday, 10 February 2014

lunchtime thoughts-

solitude is pretty much double-edged.
it gives you the much needed me-time for thoughts, reflections and recovery from the ever-exhausting social interactions;
but it also highlights the emptiness in yourself...

I'm still far from being able to live independently.

Friday, 7 February 2014


如果一切靠缘份 何必痴心爱着一个人
最怕藕断丝连难舍难分 多少黎明又黄昏
就算是不再流伤心泪 还有魂萦梦牵的深夜
那些欲走还留一往情深 都已无从悔恨

早知道爱会这样伤人 情会如此难枕 当初何必太认真
早明白梦里不能长久 相思不如回头 如今何必怨离分
除非是当作游戏一场 红尘任他淒凉 谁能断了这情份
除非把真心放在一旁 今生随缘聚散 无怨无悔有几人


Wednesday, 5 February 2014


saw this random note of reminder/advice today, pondered about it and realised how true it was, hah.

"when you ask for advice, ask from those who had achieved mastery themselves.
Ask advice on relationships only from friends who have deeply fulfilling relationships. Ask money advice only from those who are wealthy themselves. Ask advice on kids from your parents only if you are happy with the way you've been raised."