Friday, 5 November 2010

two years-

it's been two years;

exactly two years since grandma passed away. its been the longest two years of my life, mainly because of ns, but the memory of grandma's passing is still fresh and deeply etched in my mind. it also happened to be the third day of my alevels two years ago. retrospectively, i still thank God for taking grandma back at such a trying period for me two years ago. for one, grandma was relieved of her pain; and for another, perhaps the hectic exam period also helped to lessen the grief. either ways, i've learnt to thank you Lord for the way you made it all. and of course (in a slightly more jovial mood), thank God for not screwing up my alevels :)

i miss you grandma.

Monday, 1 November 2010

worldflight 2010-

WorldFlight 2010: for a worthy cause :)

its the time of the year again for all aviation / flight simulation enthusiasts to do their part for charity! too bad can't support worldflight this year since i'm still in camp almost everyday + my joystick is faulty :/ i'll support again next year!

anyway! only SEVEN days left to freedom :D

my ord checklist:
[x] myORD quiz
[x] transcript
[x] ord medical and dental ffi booking
[x] medical ffi
[x] dental ffi
[x] ord clearance form (less the last day portions) signed
[ ] ord lo!