haven't been blogging the previous 2 weeks again. just too many things to do, overdue holiday homework, new homework and stuff. still barely coping but im starting to fear and worry about my academic performance. i really really want to throw away the lackadaisical old me.
i shall try to write as and when i am free. i realise this is a really good avenue to just pour out anything and everything within me. its been about 2 weeks since we met our junior classes. nothing much to say about the junior classes la. nothing positive/negative in particular, some juniors are quite nice, and yeahh my angels and mortals are nice people too. ain't that great :) i seriously hope my mortal & angel who took olevels did well for their olevels though. yupps.
seeing the juniors this year just makes me think and recall alot about last year, the time we spent together as a class, the interaction with the senior class, etc. orientation, dramafeste and everything! the anxiety of waiting for news of classmates' olevels results, the super sian feeling of having less than half the class left after results were released. i guessed it just bonds the class together to some extent. jiannan, mishh and myself just kept digging out class photos from last year and this year just to rekindle the memories. hahaa. go facebook 67 group to see all the photos!
hahaa all these thinking just makes me wonder how many one will actually get to meet all the other classmates after our alevels, after everybody go their separate ways, to ns or university, on scholarship or just purely fms (father-mother scholarship hahaa). we should do something unforgettable lah, like an overseas class trip, i think it'll be really memorable =) *hint hint peckk and caryn ain't this a good idea hahaa.*
and yeahh that's about all i have to write for now. im going to try my best to just push myself a wee bit more. study or bowling wise. yeahh. and regain my confidence (uncle francis says i have no confidence in myself when i bowl hahaa.)
anyways! enjoy the following few specially selected photos of s67 :)
click to see the enlarged pic!