I realised its been almost 2 weeks since I last updated - been feeling quite lazy to write lately.
nothing much worth mentioning here - except some interesting topic the bowling team were talking about this morning. chongchen said why not the whole team buy the same ball - he wanted nvs - it'll look very sehh with the same team ball (LOL). but of course we were only dreaming - one new nvs costs $350, and by simple calculations if 7 of us were to buy the same ball it would cost 7 x $350 = $2450. whoa. what a dream. haha.
played lots of fifa recently. and yes attempted to do maths homework. I must say spending time in school is more constructive than spending time at home. so I should spend more time in school. anyway, tmr's bowling training again! yayness.
yup. nothing much to write, going off -
P.S. suwen bend that straw and blow your own nose pls. :P